
Legit Ways To Avoid Going To a Dentist
Transform Your Smile: How Lifestyle Affects Oral Health

Transform Your Smile: How Lifestyle Affects Oral Health

Just brushing and flossing is not enough.  Our lifеstylе habits spеcially thе things wе еat, drink,  othеr habits likе smoking,  alcohol еtc.  havе a grеat impact on our tееth and gum hеalth. Discover how your lifestyle choices, including...

7 Easy teeth sensitivity home remedies

7 Easy teeth sensitivity home remedies

Tempted to bite right into a popsicle or ice cream but your tooth says no? Teeth Sensitivity symptoms can range from mild unpleasant reactions to hot /cold items to pain even on brushing! Teeth sensitivity to cold, sweet, and acidic food is the most common experience,...

Top dental floss brands in USA

Top dental floss brands in USA

Why is flossing important for your oralhealth? Toothbrushes cannot reach the region between two teeth. Hence, plaque tend to accumulate there, thereby causing harm to gums and teeth in future. Dental floss and other interdental cleaners help to clean these...

Importance of tooth scaling and cleaning

Importance of tooth scaling and cleaning

The scientific definition of tooth scaling is the removal of biofilm and calculus from both supragingival and subgingival tooth surfaces. In normal terms, it is termed as a process used to remove infected particles such as debris, plaque, calculus, and stains from the...

Maligned mouth- Why are your teeth out of alignment?

Maligned mouth- Why are your teeth out of alignment?

If a few teeth in your mouth seem to be out of alignment you have a maligned mouth. Ideally, teeth should fit in your mouth. Your upper jaw should rest on the lower jaw while leaving no gaps or overcrowding in between the teeth. At times, when people suffer from...

Bleeding mouth – What can go wrong?

Bleeding mouth – What can go wrong?

Everyone has had the experience of tasting blood in their mouth. No, this isn’t a post for vampires. It’s for all of you who have ever rinsed your mouth after brushing your teeth and been horrified at flecks of blood in the bowl. Sound familiar? You should not be...

Why do your teeth become cavity-prone?

Why do your teeth become cavity-prone?

Dental decay, caries, and cavities all mean the same thing. It is a result of the bacterial attack on your teeth, which compromises their structure, eventually resulting in loss if left untreated. Unlike most other body parts, the teeth, much like the nervous system,...

डेंटिस्ट के पास जाने से बचने के वैध तरीके

अब तक हम सभी ने यह जान लिया है कि जब हम किसी दंत चिकित्सालय में जाते हैं तो हमें सबसे ज्यादा क्या डराता है। यदि आपने नहीं किया है तो आप यहां अपने गहरे जड़ वाले दंत भय को खोज सकते हैं। (हम दंत चिकित्सक के पास जाने से क्यों डरते हैं) अपने पिछले ब्लॉग में, हमने इस बारे...

But Dentists can help protect your teeth

But Dentists can help protect your teeth

By now, you must have figured out which of these is your reason to fall prey to dental phobia. Read it here Terrifying dental treatments like root canals, tooth removal, gum surgeries and implants do keep you awake at night just by the thought of it. That’s how you...

I am a Dentist. And I am scared too!

I am a Dentist. And I am scared too!

Statistical studies prove half the population is a victim of dental phobia. We also discussed whether our dental fears are rational or completely baseless. If you missed it out you can read it here. We also learned how bad dental experiences could keep us away from...

Is my Dentist cheating on me?

Is my Dentist cheating on me?

By now, all of us agree that Dentophobia is real. We talked a bit about a few recurrent themes of what constitutes this deadly fear. You can read more about it here: (Why are we scared of Dentists?) We also talked about how our bad dental experiences just add more...

Why are we scared of Dentists?

Why are we scared of Dentists?

We are scared of hundreds of things in life. From terrifying monsters under our beds to walking alone inside a dark alley; from the eternal phobia of crawling animals to the deathly predators that lurk in the forests. Of course, some fears are rational, and many...


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